Creating a New Pathway Part 1: Transforming Negative Thoughts into Positive Possibilities

Creating a New Pathway Part 1: Transforming Negative Thoughts into Positive Possibilities

My intention is to take this process at a slow pace and that those that need this the most will find it. Before we go any further, I want to clarify that I am not a doctor. This is not intended to replace any medical treatment or medication you may already be receiving. 

I am just a person who has a lot experience healing from emotional abuse.  Most of it alone, which can get pretty gnarly. I want to share the tips and tools I used to shift my negative mindset into a positive one.  I know that part of the purpose of me going through what I did, the way that I did, is so that I can help others navigate this change.

I am keeping these posts short and sweet so you don't have to spend a ton of time reading. I want you to succeed, and that means taking things one small step at a time. As we get further into releasing and replacing old stories, it will pay off and prevent overwhelm.  

If you have been feeling like life is heavier than it should be, you are not alone.  Let this be the first step into a new way of being.  Spoiler alert, if you're reading this, the change has already started.

The very first step I want to cover today is simply becoming aware. That's it. Your only focus for the next week is to be present. To really listen to the words you use and the stories you tell yourself and those around you. Make note of the most common words and phrases, and write them down. Seeing them on paper instead of just thinking them helps you separate yourself.

Now that you’re becoming aware of your thoughts, let’s dig into recognizing the limiting beliefs that may be lurking beneath the surface- sometimes even subliminally.

I'm going to let you in on a secret. That voice in your head that is overly critical, berating, or bullying is not you. It is just a culmination of limiting beliefs and old stories you picked up and internalized along your way. Which I think is great, because that means you can also choose to put them down and walk away!

While the examples listed at the bottom of the page may seem obvious at first glance, you may be surprised by the limiting beliefs that surface when you start paying closer attention. They can hide just beneath the surface and you are so used to them being there you barely notice them anymore. Also, don't be surprised when you start noticing them in the people around you and the stories they tell too. For now, just start noticing when they show up. Maybe even throw in a 'nope' or a 'not anymore' directly after they pop up.

Simply recognizing these limiting beliefs is the first powerful step. I am so proud of you for choosing this path for yourself. Next week, we’ll explore how to start releasing resistance and replacing those old tired stories with something new. 

I’d love to hear your thoughts—feel free to share in the comments below. If you’d prefer to keep your message private, just add a note to let me know, and I’ll keep it between us. This is a safe space to connect, and I’m here to listen.

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