Creating a New Pathway Part 2: The Power of Discernment
My intention is to take this process at a slow pace, trusting that those who need it the most will find it. Before we go any further, I want to clarify that I am not a doctor. This is not meant to replace any medical treatment or medication you may already be receiving.
If you missed the first article in this series, you can access it here.
Last week was all about becoming aware of the stories you tell yourself and the type of language you use. This week is all about looking outside of yourself to see what influences and reinforces those limiting beliefs and old stories. Originally, I had a different plan for this week's post. But, the more I thought about my journey, I felt it was necessary to really break down what practicing discernment is. I wish I had paid more attention to what was around me when I was first waking up from being emotionally abused. If you know that feeling, I am truly sorry. If you don't, it’s a state where prolonged abuse leaves you feeling as if you are just floating through life. There’s a haze over everything, and you’re operating as a shell of yourself. When you start breaking out of that haze it can be overwhelming. Looking back, I don't even recognize that version of myself anymore.
During any sort of energetic shift, whether it be a healing journey, spiritual awakening or trying to release limiting beliefs discernment in the beginning is so important. I think of discernment as putting up boundaries and being very particular about who and what I am letting into my world. Focusing on this practice helps protect the energy you are trying to create in and around yourself. As you start reframing things from within, what you expose yourself to must also shift.
It's time to take stock of what you are consuming on a daily basis. What sort of people do you surround yourself with? Are they the kind of people that always have something good to say and leave you feeling uplifted and energized? Or are they always complaining about something and keeping themselves surrounded in drama and leaving you drained? What does your social media feed look like? Are you learning a new skill, appreciating art or finding inspiration of some sort? Do you find yourself watching the news a lot stuck in a state of fear of what might happen next?
Jim Rohn stated, "You're the average of the five people you spend the most time with." I feel like this also includes what media you watch, read or listen to. All of it seeps into your subconscious one way or another. Think of commercials. When you are in a passive viewing state watching TV, they pop on. Whether you realize it or not, that information is getting into your head. I know way more about medications and diseases than I ever wanted to because of this. When you let the thoughts and ideas of others in without discernment, they can start to shape your belief system without you even noticing. This is why really getting picky about what you surround yourself with daily is so important. It helps you stop these pathways from taking root in the first place.
Now it's time to reflect on what came up for you last week, and see who and what around you is reinforcing those limiting beliefs and negative self talk. This can sometimes be difficult when you start to really pay attention. Easy enough when it's someone you've never met, like a social media account. You can just unfollow. But, what if it's someone close to you, like a coworker bestie or a family member? It's okay to take space from anyone that is keeping you in an energy you don't want to be in anymore. Creating new boundaries, and limiting conversations that reflect the stories you are leaving behind, is especially crucial in the beginning.
This week, pick a few of the things you know are keeping you stuck in your old thought patterns and replace them with something better. Maybe it’s replacing mindless scrolling with a healthy habit like journaling or yoga. You could also start by just curating your social media feed and dropping accounts that you no longer resonate with. I'll use the fact that just last month one of the first things I did in the morning was scroll on social media. It did absolutely nothing for me except kept me frozen and lagging on getting my day started. Let's be real, you think it's 15 minutes, but it's really more like an hour. The reason I was even doing it in the first place is because one of my dogs takes FOREVER to eat her food. She won't eat unless I am there sitting at the kitchen table. It felt harmless at first, but then it wasn't. I was wasting time I couldn't afford to waste. I'd end up feeling in a funk for most of the day, like I'd already ruined it before it even got started. As of today, I am in my second week of zentangling in the morning. Zentangling is a form of structured doodling that helps focus the mind and calm the body. Now I have a peaceful 20 minute morning art practice. That one little switch has already changed so much, and it's only been 9 days. A great place to start is by asking yourself: If you had an extra 20 minutes a day to do anything you wanted, what would you choose? If you still don't know where you would like to make a change, I suggest shifting what you do right after you wake up and right before you fall asleep. Try just spending five minutes practicing gratitude. It doesn't have to be a big deal or over thought, no one else is listening or judging you. Being grateful for a cozy blanket or your comfy bed totally counts. Starting this now will help prepare you for what is coming next week.
Take a moment to reflect on where your energy and focus is currently going. What small changes could you make to start aligning with the new mindset you're working toward? I’d love to hear your thoughts—feel free to share in the comments below. If you’d prefer to keep your message private, just add a note to let me know, and I’ll keep it between us. This is a safe space to connect, and I’m here to listen.
If you're curious about exploring Zentangling, check out my Pintrest page. I have a board dedicated to it witha ton of free patterns so you can get started today!
Just click the link for Pintrest at the bottom of the page.